вторник, 13 марта 2012 г.

Hospital Set To Open Nursery

Plans for a GBP320,000 nursery at Weston-super-Mare GeneralHospital for the children of health service workers are likely to beapproved tomorrow.

The Weston Area Health Trust has secured enough funding for the 50-place facility and to help meet running costs for the first year.

It says the nursery will help it recruit and retain staff who willbe able to leave their children in the complex.

The L-shaped, single-storey building is due to be built on a pieceof land currently used as an overflow car park.

The proposal is being recommended for approval by North SomersetCouncil's west area committee.

But it is being opposed by the occupants of Elm Cottage, which isclose to the site.

They are worried about a loss of privacy, noise disturbance andpossible light pollution.

The health trust hopes to overcome these concerns by fittingobscure glass in all the windows facing Elm Cottage and not havingany outside lights.

The nursery's outdoor timber-decking play area will be situated onthe opposite side of the building from Elm Cottage so that thenursery itself will act as a noise buffer.

A report to tomorrow's meeting says: "Overall, while there issympathy with the occupants of Elm Cottage that the nursery is closeto their property, it is considered that the proposal would not giverise to an unacceptable level of disturbance." Officers aresuggesting 15 conditions, including restrictions on opening hours andoutside play.

When the nursery scheme was fist announced in October, JohnEdwards, director of human resources at Weston General, said: "Thiswill help provide a significant boost to all of our efforts torecruit and retain key NHS professionals in the North Somerset area."Weston Area Health Trust chief executive, Roger Moyse, said: "Ourstaff have been telling us for some time how desperately they need anursery for their children.

"This will be an excellent facility to help attract staff to ourexpanding local hospital." The nursery is due to be open by nextspring.

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