понедельник, 27 февраля 2012 г.

Nothing stops her worry of illness

Q. I'm a hypochondriac. I've tried everything, including psychotherapy, to make my concerns go away, but I keep being terrified.

Right now, because I often have headaches, I'm afraid I have a brain tumor, even though I've had head scans done and nothing is wrong.

What can I do?

A. In true hypochondriacs (who are equally split among men and women, by the way), even mild physical sensations — a fleeting chest pain, a plain-vanilla headache — feel like warnings of something terminal.

The Internet likely has made it worse. The vast array of websites listing symptoms and diagnoses sometimes can make even the healthiest people feel like they're teetering at the edge of their grave.

Extreme health anxiety is no joke. Hypochondria, like other anxiety disorders, can be disabling, and ordinary psychotherapy, constant reassurance from your doctor or medications may not be effective.

But there's one proven anxiety treatment that almost always helps: cognitive behavioral therapy. This short-term treatment helps you identify and challenge the thoughts that underlie your fears and emotions.

After a few sessions with a therapist experienced in its behavior-modifying techniques, most hypochondriacs find that the frightening feelings start to fade away — and, with a couple of painkillers, so does the headache.

Q. I love gardening but have horrible allergies. What can I plant that won't make me sneeze?

A. Well, sneezeweed is probably out. In fact, any plant that produces pollen (trees, shrubs, grass, flowers ... pretty much everything) has the potential to give you itchy, watery eyes, a drippy nose and sneezing fits.

Still, before you start contemplating AstroTurf, some pretty plants are less likely to send your nose into a tizzy.

These include florist-style hybrid tea roses (they're almost scentless), old-fashioned pom-pom hydrangeas, hollyhocks, sedum and irises.

Avoid heavily perfumed plants and male trees and shrubs (a greenhouse can help you choose). Female plants not only don't shed pollen, they trap and keep the pollen that's in the air, so less reaches your nose.

There also are some new allergy-free Bermuda grasses. Your local Cooperative Extension Service (find it here: www.csrees.usda.gov/Extension/) can help you create a low-allergy landscape.

Wind-borne pollen still is a problem, but there are some preventive steps that will help. Try wearing a filtering mask, sunglasses, gloves and a hat. When you come in from the north 40, always shower, wash your hair, and strip down to eliminate pollen from your hair, skin and clothes, which go straight to the laundry.

And take non-sedating antihistamines faithfully during your allergy season (spring and fall are usually flora's time for sex orgies).

The YOU Docs, Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen, are authors of YOU: On a Diet.

Want more? See "The Dr. Oz Show" at 3 and 4 p.m. weekdays on WFLD-Channel 32.

To submit questions, go to www.RealAge.com.

King Features Syndicate

Pull Quote: Extreme health anxiety is no joke. Hypochondria, like other anxiety disorders, can be disabling.

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